Our mission is to pioneer the most promising, leading-edge ways that help victims of child abuse
The Massachusetts Children’s Alliance (MACA) is a membership organization of the 12 Children’s Advocacy Centers (CACs) and an accredited state chapter of the National Children’s Alliance (NCA). From small, collaborative, and innovative conversations, to an annual statewide conference with recognized and allied organizations, the Commonwealth has seen tremendous progress in the statewide response to child abuse. MACA’s network is constantly moving towards making our communities safer and better places for children, on local, state, and national levels.
Stay informed with all of the latest updates from MACA by subscribing to our newsletter. You can sign up by visiting machildrensalliance.org/subscribe.
For other ways to get involved with our work, please visit machildrensalliance.org/contribute.
Check out how we are impacting the lives of children, click here to view our Year in Numbers.
You'll be delighted to see the programmatic advancements we have made in the last year as well as the progress being made in our two statewide projects.
To view our latest Annual Report, please click here.